
Basra Air Base Iraq

Structured Wiring installation to include a Fiber Optic Cable Ring, Public Address System, CCTV video surveillance system. In direct support of U.S. State department operations in Basra, Iraq. This project was completed 3 months ahead of the scheduled 6 months.

T-Mobile 4G upgrade

Installation of new cellular tower hardware designed by Nokia Siemens in support of T-Mobile 4G network upgrade. Joint Systems dispatched teams in support of Seattle and Chicago markets. Our crews performed tower installation of new antennas, fiber optic cables for towers up to 600 feet tall. We also integrated T-Mobile software in order to bring the towers online with the customer’s network

Digicel FTTH Caribbean

In support of the Digicel (FTTH) ber to the home build in the Caribbean. we dispatched technicians to Jamaica, and Trinidad installing backbone ber to residentia l and commercial locations throughout the the region. Our technicians also provided Quality Assurance and Integration in order to bring the new services online once the hardware installation phase was completed.

Google FTTH

Our OSP/ISP teams installed terminated and tested fiber optics in support of Google’s Fiber to the Home for the Midwest region of the United States